Our belief about our soul, you, determines the core of who we really are. We must take inventory here about ourselves and agree and tell God what our condition is that it is separate from Him, at this level and this level only. Do you want God in your life? This is a place now were you must be honest with yourself, in your heart. Not to be good because that would defeat His purpose for you. Do you think your soul is good? If you think your soul is good, then tell me why you have no assurance of what life is really about and what death is really about or tell me why you have no hope and last but not least why is your guilt either acknowledged by you or even ignored by you. Gods Ten Commandments shows you that you’re guilty. They show us that we have broken Gods laws. We have no excuses. God even says no one is righteous no not one. We need righteousness apart from ourselves, because in of ourselves we are not obedient fully. Only Jesus was! Only His life is perfect! This is hard information to take in, because in of ourselves we do not want to admit our need of God by His terms. We are independent and want to rely on no one. But in order to get help from God we must acknowledge our need of Him from within the core, the heart, by His terms, His will. Do you need His mercy on your life? Then ask Him for it. Do you want God to just see your life with the wrong and self in it or do you want God to see Jesus’ life in you? If we hold to a merit of our own we are telling God we do not need His Son Jesus, that our pride takes notice of our own merit only. Would the clay tell the clay molder how to mold the clay? That would be ridiculous. Neither would the clay ask the clay to tell the clay molder how to mold the clay this would be nonsense as well. This eliminates the person, or organization, in the middle and you can come to Jesus to change the core of your needful heart. People would rather hold on to make believe ways other than what Gods word says plainly about His reality for us. Be opened to Gods conviction for your life. Jesus wants to come into the core of your heart but the doorknob is only on the inside of your heart. Open the door of your heart to the risen Lord and Savior Jesus. Let God know that you cannot save yourself and that you need
His way for saving you, His remedy for you. Cast your salvation fully on Jesus to be the Lord of your life and that you will turn from sin to acknowledge this reality between you and God. We usually talk from where were coming from and who we are. So if these sentences are addressing the need of your heart tell God verbally out loud this would go along with your soul being saved once and for all. This happens to be written in God’s word it says, that if thou, you, shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Notice it says shall and not maybe. These promised truths will ignite the core of your soul if you mean business with God. You would not even need to read the rest of this book if you been renewed in the new life God has for you. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. To be born again is the way. Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” This truth can only be applied to the soul in order for an individual to be born again. The greatest truth for you right now and for anyone in fact is that Jesus loves you. He’s taken the issue of sin out of the way it was laid on Him then being nailed to the cross and all that remains is for you to trust Him with your salvation. This is foundational to your faith. Your response here matters. Will you go towards His love in the reality He has for you, reading His word for His reality in His faith for your faith in Him. People now have a choice to acknowledge justification for themselves because of Jesus death but faith only comes when it is based on the way God presents it and how you accept it. The choice is yours. Jesus is alive from the dead and is waiting on you to call on Him. When someone takes Gods promise for himself He will know God. God verifies His word! He backs up what He has says in His word. If you will mean business with God He will mean business with you. These promises are for you from God himself to have and hold. If it is just head knowledge you’re going for you are just fooling yourself out of eternal relationship which is being offered to you at this very moment. So if you want to you can dismiss these truths and go your way but remember this God Hears every prayer but will only answer the Prayers that are willing to be obedient to His will and His love. All of us will stand before Him! Take the opportunity now to approach God now while you are still alive and you have not died in your sins without Christ. He wants to hear from you. Talk to Him He loves you!Jesus speaking;
Jesus speaking;
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mar 8:36
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