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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Where Are You

You remember when you called your Mom or Father up to get a ride home and they would ask,
"Where are You?"

And they would come and get you.
The ride was provided for your need that existed.

Let me share this story of two who became aware of their need because they became lost. He and his wife could no longer see.

In fact we could hear the words for them,

"Where are you?"

Why it was Gods voice who said that.

Helping Adam to realize his lost condition, Because He and his wife Eve were now separated from knowing him spiritually any longer.

Their understanding became darkened.

Why were they lost?

Because they were deceived into disobeying what God had told him plainly not to do.
They saw that they were naked. So God provided for their need by clothing them.

Where are You?

Are you lost?
Because of Adams disobedience all of mankind are born with a fallen nature lost, not knowing God spiritually. This means you are as well.
Could you admit to your need of not knowing God that you are lost. That you are separated from God and in need of Him?
Maybe if I showed you that you have one thing that He provided in common with him.
The thing that He has in common with you is that His Son Jesus took your sin and went to the cross and died for you. Because he loves you and made it possible for Him to remain holy and declare you not guilty because your sin had been judged and paid for by His Son Jesus.
All that remains for you to turn from your way of thinking and believe that you can come to God now because of this truth and accept by believing after Jesus died for your sin three days He arose from the dead in order now that you can call on him as your Lord to lead  you as having done all this for you. Its Gods gift for you to receive.
He sent his Son the Lord Jesus Christ down to destroy that problem that cause Adams disobedience in the first place. The problem which is the works of the devil.
God in His wisdom would allow the curse of the offense to be place upon His Son Jesus so that if you want this gift the relationship with God now will be true.
All you need to do is turn towards God from your way and call on His Son Jesus as your Lord.

Where are you.

The ride will be provided if you admit to your need that exists.

Why Don't you allow God to come and pick you up today. 

Acts 20:21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

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