Hey have you ever heard of the ship God had a man make to save his family? Yes it was his plan to save this man and his family in this ship. It was through a man named Noah. All Noah had to do is follow Gods instructions, by building a ship known as the Ark. When Noah had finished it God had left one big detail out of Noah’s instructions. God did not give any instructions to Noah on how to close the door of the Ark.
That’s because the Lord would and did close the door. He wanted Noah to know and experience His saving power to carry Noah and family through the storm that was coming on a disobedient sinful unrepentant human race. It was Gods sovereign presence that did the saving. It was his love and power that did the carrying.
This is why Gods hands Opens the door to heaven. Because it was his hands that were nailed open for his blood to be shed for you at the cross for his saving power of his grace to be revealed to you. All that is required of you is to ask God for his mercy in the name of his son Jesus. Yes it was Jesus God the son who opened up his hands for you.
Yes it was Jesus who died for the sins that you bear. Yes it is Jesus who can unlock the chains of the sin that binds you. His hands unlocks the chains of doubt by willingly opening wide his hands upon the cross to have nails driven into them to show you his love. Yes he took your place. Yes he took my place. Has your conscience known when it did wrong? Has your conscience broken God’s laws? Then you are in need of a savior.
A savior sent from heaven on your behalf, a Savior who bore the penalty of your sin. Yes today you can turn from your fear, sin and doubt. Yes today you can call on the Lord Jesus Christ. Only he can unlock your chains. Only he can heal the broken hearted. Only His hands that were nailed to the cross can open the door of your salvation. Only his blood cleans the soul. Only his name can a soul plead, for he arose from the dead. Please come to the cross and cry out for Gods mercy by calling on Jesus as your Lord to be your Savior, place your faith in him. So you can experience a real everlasting relationship with God.
Jesus said in Revelations 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
you must unlearn yourself,and renounce your own wisdom,righteous and strength, and throw yourself wholly upon christ, or you cannot escape.while men trust in themselves, and establish their own righteousness they will not come savingly to Christ.
ReplyDelete...others cherish secret hopes of mercy, though they continue as they are. Others are likely to harden themselves with a vain conceit that they are already converted. Others because they feel no harm, fear none,and so SLEEP AS SO UPON THE TOP OF A MAST. Others sit still, because they do not see the way of escape.
ReplyDeleteRomans 3:17-18 And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes.
ReplyDeleteYet how MANY have accepted and recieved this GREAT and WONDERFUL GIFT of Salvation and True Freedom! I am one, I KNOW my family cannot be numbered by none but God. Let us LOVE and pray that ALL may KNOW Him and be free. Let us pray.