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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trading Places

Imagine if you would if you could trade places right now with anyone that you knew or wanted to be. Would it be a movie star? Would it be someone with power, maybe a president or some ruler? What person would you want to trade places with if you had the chance?

Did you know God, for justice to be upheld and in His love for you, sent His Son Jesus from heaven to earth to trade places with you, in order for you to know him?

This was made possible at the cross. Sin, our sin, had to be dealt with. God would not be holy if he did not judge sin in our lives; he would not be good and he would not be righteous.

So God in His wisdom gave His Son to die on the cross, He judged sin as sin taking out the punishment for sin on His Son Jesus who died there on the cross in hope that we would allow him to trade places with us.

Why and how would I want to trade places with Jesus one may ask?

Because sin separates us from knowing God and in allowing this trade we can come to know God by calling on Jesus because three days later Jesus arose from the dead, that in hope God, because of His power, would reveal who he is to you, if you would call on Jesus as Lord for him to have traded places with you dying in your place who is now waiting for you to call on him verbally to allow God to make this trade come true.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


  1. Anonymous6/2/12

    This is really good. helped encourage me

  2. Amen!!! I love the way you wrote that, may God bless you.




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