My name is _______ and right now as I speak to you I am standing in my cell waiting to appear before the judge who is about to pass sentence on my life.
You see I have committed many crimes in my heart I know that not only will the judge bring before my eyes all the crimes I committed but he will also tell me about myself.
He will show me by the evidence presented at the trial that I am guilty and that I am without excuse as to my actions.
He will show me that I only wanted what I wanted when I wanted it and how I wanted it with no regard towards the right way.
He will show me how I hurt people and how they were affected by my actions. My only hope is in my criminal defense lawyer, who at any moment is about to visit me here in my cell.
Oh here he comes now. “Hello _______ I was sent here to plead your case.”
He says. “I will plead your case only if you know that your criminal activities of the heart have offended the right ways that the judge knows. I will plead your case if you are willing to turn towards me as your Criminal Defense Attorney. I will plead your case if you know that I am here to help you.
I will only plead your case if you will call on me by name and ask me to take charge of your life from now on in order for you know the truth.
For you see I am alive and with my own life I have paid for you to get a fair hearing. All the consequence of your actions has been placed on me. You will be declared not guilty if you call on me to represent you from now on.
My name is Jesus Christ and today if you call on me by name as your Lord by allowing me to help you turn from your criminal activities towards me I will forever be your mediator! I will make you, because of my life that was put to death for your behalf, clean as your representative from now on. I, being true to who I am, will always walk with you from now on if you do so choose to decide to call on me.”
Now as I stand in my cell waiting for public execution because of my life actions I consider the decision of whether or not to call on my Criminal Defense Lawyer Jesus as Lord or to face him as my judge.
Eph 1:17-19 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, ….....
Excellent story and analogy as to what each and everyone of us are offered in Christ - forgiveness and grace when we deserved the death penalty. Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, paid the price for whosoever shall believe - KNOW HIM WELL!!! Amen!!!