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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Creator or the creature

It has been many years now since my Mother has passed away.
So many memories of how she as my Mother loved me as a child as I was growing up. I have nothing of hers personally other than a magnifying glass she used to use while trying to read something to make clear so she could see. I used to see her all the time with it. In the morning looking at the newspaper and at night trying to read a book.

Did you know you have a choice to either use the magnifying glass of Gods truth in your life, made possible by His grace for you to respond to His love


you can continue to live for self without letting the light of Gods truth shine into your heart in your response to the Devil.

The first choice is worshipping and serving the Creator and the second choice is worshipping and serving the creature. Did you know that?

God wants you to pick up the magnifying glass of His word for your life to grow and to see clearly.
Not to hide from Him.

He wants to teach you. He wants you to be able to say with confidence,
"My hands have handled the word of life"

Why not read what His word says for you today.

Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 


  1. Wonderful wonderful...they finally made Hallelujah a Christian song

    1. That was special that they did




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