The Call That Comes only From God!
God asks, "Hello man how do I get saved." Man says you must first know this that and the other thing. Plus you need to know all the points to adhere to our policies of salvation. God says "Why don't I just show you? Why don’t you allow me to reveal to you who I am and you can respond to me. You see I am God and believe me I have the power to show everyone who I am, whether rich or poor smart or not so smart, and no matter what language that's not a barrier to me. Please believe me of who I am. I am God and no one takes my place, no one. You see I'm Holy and I love man, I love you. I died for you. My ways are not your ways, really. Please let me show you who I am. I am he. I left heaven on a mission from heaven to save you. I am the one who died on the cross for your offense. I took your place. When it was all over three days later I arose from the dead. My name is Jesus the Son of God and I love you. Will you allow me into your life? I'm the Lord and if you will call out to me I will save you."
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior.
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