There was this man who tried once to escape from loves responsibility.
Sounds a little bit like us.
You know that self part of you that wants to do what it wants to do, running away from God in his love for you.
When everything seems like it has been poured out on you and you simply want to run and hide either from fear or that you know its right but you don’t want to do it.
Well there was this man I am about to share with you who went through the same thing. Not realizing it was for his blessing in a fallen world to bring hope to others who in a sense had no hope. Rationalizing decisions to his own hurt instead of Gods Command. Here a man of God’s choosing sent to warn the people of Nineveh.
But decided to not give his thoughts and intentions to God so he ran, yes he ran choosing to go in a different direction.
His Name is Jonah and Jonah choose to not honor God with what God told him to do.
But decided to not give his thoughts and intentions to God so he ran, yes he ran choosing to go in a different direction.
His Name is Jonah and Jonah choose to not honor God with what God told him to do.
Sounds like most of us not allowing to choose what God wants In our relationships towards others.
Some allowing temptation and not honoring their marriage vows, some not even married disgracing their relationship with another rationalizing it as ok and saying “God will forgive me anyway.”
Some allowing temptation and not honoring their marriage vows, some not even married disgracing their relationship with another rationalizing it as ok and saying “God will forgive me anyway.”
They choose what Jonah in his disobedience did.
They are actually running away from God in their disobedience from a loving Father.
They are actually running away from God in their disobedience from a loving Father.
Does this pertain to you?
Well Jonah finally obeyed God and went back and preached a revival message that to this day stands as a milestone of those people needing God..
Will you obey God in your life’s actions and allow him to reach others in your obedience to him? Jonah
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