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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Angels Cry

Time, before Jesus came to earth
Place, the courts of heaven,

The problem of mans sin was great. He was moving further and further away from the love of God, mans nature made it impossible to accept that God loved him.

Because of the wrong choices man made he could see that there was no redemption available to him. He knew he was separated from God until the day came for Jesus to leave Heaven and come down to earth to be the sacrifice for all of mans sin.

I bet that on that day all of heavens angels screamed crying out in heaven that this was not right that Gods own son would be slain for man.

But God in his infinite wisdom was the only one who knew that his intention was for his son to be slain since the foundation of the world for his justice to be upheld against mans sin so that man can cry out for the covering of his justice through Jesus Christ.

This is Gods simple plan of salvation.

God loves man. Man could now know with complete assurance that God loves him and that the opportunity to know God was open to man through calling on Jesus Christ to be his sin bearer, Lord. Now when an individual calls on Jesus to be their Lord the angels rejoice because it was Gods plan through Jesus that made this opportunity available to all.

Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

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