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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Am a Nobody

Do you feel as if you are a nobody, that you will never accomplish anything of any value to say “This is what I have done?”

That your life is not worth anything and that no one who even cares or has any love for you?

Then you and I have something in common.

I used to feel and think that very same way until the day the power of almighty God flooded my life with His presence. You see He personally intimately saved me.

And you know what? He can do the same for you!

The abundance of Gods grace is there for you to experience and know His love for you right now.

To experience and know through a relationship with Him through understanding and applying what His Son Jesus did for you.

You see Jesus died for you to have this opportunity, did you know that?

He is somebody! His life shines with light removing any darkness.

His blood removes any and all sin you have ever done in your lifetime by His death at the cross. And because He arose from the dead His life is there to prove it to you for you to know God. This is God’s gift for you. Jesus!

All that is required of you is to turn from the dark and turn towards the light of God’s plan for you by calling on His Son Jesus as your Lord.

Now when anyone ever says I’m a nobody I point to the cross and say “I’m A Somebody because I am a child of God because of Jesus.”

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

A song sharing the words of Jesus on How to pray.


  1. Anonymous25/7/11

    Amen! hallelujah! Amen!

  2. Anonymous1/11/12

    This is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing it with me and becoming my fb friend, M. I'm so touched by your note and listening to the Lord's Prayer as I sit here. Rejoice!!! God is in control!!!! God bless you!!!




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