What is the object of your faith? Is it a teddy bear or is it money or a job or a religion or some
one? Is it your will, sex or drugs or is it your response to how people treat you? One night at church I was in the back and looked way up to the front and saw a statue of Jesus. A question was impressed on my heart what does that mean for me? Jesus wants to be the object of your faith. He is the central theme of the whole bible. The object of your faith can be with unreal things. It can be with real but wrong things. It can even be with things that are right and good. Jesus wants to be at the core of your faith, you receiving Him, you may have a lot of questions that have never have been answer and that you put on a shelf because of the frustrations they brought being unanswered. This adds to disillusionment and no fulfillment. This also adds to disbelief towards God. This can be changed with your choice to believe God today. Like a broken spring in a compass that needs to be untangled and put in order for working direction so we need to put the direction of our faith in order with God’s help to believe Him and who he is. Be honest with yourself now. Do you want to look at just a broken compass? Or do you want proper absolute authorative Godly direction in which Jesus can give you to guide your ship? Do you mean business with God? Or are you just choosing to believe what you want to believe. Do you want to write a letter to the unknown God? Or would you want to write a letter to God the Son? Notice how the previous sentence was written. Without calling on Jesus to save you, you cannot know God personally. That is the bottom line on this issue of your faith in Jesus. He is the cornerstone. He can heal you. If you are not deciding to bend the knees of your heart now which is your choice to do so you will at judgment. He is alive and waiting for you to acknowledge His life and His choice that He died for you. I am not talking about just saying your sins are gone because you have an answer to a test but allowing Jesus to be real to you to have a growing healthy developing worshipping relationship. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. You can find the previous sentence in the bible as well. This love is in response to the love God has for you, His love. This will then help you towards your growth with the Lord. You will be able to share with others godly love because of the love you know from God.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6
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